Monday, December 30, 2013

Free Minecraft Guide

I have been playing Minecraft for a few years now, both on free versions and the premium version.  Let me just say that the premium version makes things so much easier if you can spare the cash.  

Link to Mods Page: Mods

How to Actually get Minecraft
If not then there are plenty of ways to get a free version (usually an update behind) somewhere on the internet.  An example of a free download guide is linked below. 
Please understand that if a friend or someone you know has Minecraft that they can download it to your computer with their account.  This enables unlimited access for single player.

There are videos like this all over YouTube.  

Full Version
Personally I got fed up trying to find cracked versions and purchased the real thing, it makes playing with friends so much easier.  It also makes playing the latest version much less of a hassle as it is a one time payment. You can get the full version at:


  1. GUYS! I just got a free Minecraft card code at

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
